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    Call Up 結果共4筆

  • Santa soars over Taiwan sky on Christmas Eve, NORAD reports

    Santa Claus flew over Taiwan’s skies on Christmas Eve, according to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). This tradition, dating back to 1955, began when a local newspaper misprinted a Santa hotline number, leading to NORAD’s predecessor’s number being inundated with calls from curious children. Rather than disappoint, the command started reporting Santa’s location. This year, Santa departed from the North Pole in a sleigh with the call-sign "HOHOHO," flying over Japan, Korea, China, and finally Taiwan. NORAD shares Santa’s flight trajectory, destinations, times, and the number of gifts distributed on their official website each Christmas Eve. They also rely on 1,100 to 1,200 volunteers to answer calls from children worldwide, receiving up to 260,000 calls in 2022. Platforms like Google and Flightradar24 also offer trackers to keep up with Santa’s movements.
    2023/12/25 13:30
  • 被柯粉嗆判斷有問題 沈富雄爆怒要他閉嘴:別來「臭彈」!

    2024大選距今剩不到2百日,但是近期眾多民調中,國民黨總統參選人侯友宜仍是敬陪末座,被民眾黨總統參選人柯文哲超越。不過,長期看好侯的前立委沈富雄,今(6)日在廣播節目Call-in環節中,有柯粉進來批評他政治判斷有問題,電話掛斷後,沈先是氣得用台語罵他是在「臭彈(胡扯)」,又烙英文要這名聽眾「Shut up(閉嘴)」。
    2023/07/06 16:24
  • 「局部動員令」引恐慌 傳俄人斷手臂躲徵召、搶機票離境

    俄烏戰爭進行至今已逾半年,由於近期戰事接連失利,俄羅斯總統普欽(Vladimir Putin)簽署「局部動員令」(partial call-up),將徵召30萬名後備軍人投入作戰;此舉引起俄國民眾的反彈與恐慌,有超過1300位上街抗議民眾被捕,從俄羅斯離境的機票被搶購一空,甚至傳出有人「自斷手臂」逃避徵召。
    2022/09/22 09:47
  • 寬仔出道半年被Ubisoft相中 攻佔東南亞電競戰場

    「饒舌新秀」寬仔KayC出道半年,隨即被遊戲廠商Ubisoft看中創作潛力,邀請創作《虹彩六號》東南亞菁英聯賽主題曲〈Call Up〉,除了中文版歌曲,更加碼為了海外遊戲迷製作英文版,出道第一件事就得負責大案子,公司告知寬仔當天,他興奮到睡不著,一直問:「是不是真的?」宛如在作夢。
    2022/08/05 19:12
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